Intuit has announced the sunset of 'Tags' within QuickBooks Online. In lieu of tags, they are making 'Custom Fields' available to all QBO subscribers; however, the number of Custom Fields varies by your QBO Subscription type.
As of May 1, 2025, tags will be removed from QuickBooks Online, and you’ll no longer be able to run reports for tagged transactions. But as part of the change to 'Custom Fields', Intuit will begin allowing QBO Users to migrate their tags to custom fields starting on February 5, 2025.
Between March 8, 2025 and April 30, 2025, QBO users will only have 'READ ONLY' access to tags within their QBO data. Anyone with 'tag related' reports should runs those reports before April 30, 2025.
Custom Fields offer a viable alternative to the use of tags within QuickBooks Online. Custom fields permit users to capture important data related to their businesses and to then run reports based on those custom fields in order to gain insights into their businesses. As mentioned above, all QBO Subscriptions will have custom fields available on or after February 5, 2025 as shown in the bullet-points below:
- Simple Start users will have access to one (1) Custom Field [an increase of one (1)].
- Essentials users will have access to four (4) Custom Fields [an increase of one (1)].
- Plus users will have access to four (4) Custom Fields [an increase of one (1)].
- Advanced users will continue to have access to twelve (12) Custom Fields.
Using Custom Fields in QuickBooks Online
You can create custom fields for your invoices, sales receipts, refund receipts, quotes, adjustment notes, and purchase orders in QuickBooks Online. This gives you the flexibility to add custom data and drive insights through detailed reports.
Set up custom fields
After February 5, 2025, the number of custom fields will increase for most QBO versions. You can then create up to the number of custom fields for your specific QBO version on various transactions in QuickBooks. The following are the steps for adding a custom field to your QuickBooks transactions.
Go to Settings ⚙ and select Custom fields.

Source: QuickBooks Online
Select Add field.

Source: Intuit QuickBooks
Note: If this is your first time creating a custom field, select Add custom field (as shown in the illustration above).
When the Add custom field right-hand slide-out window opens, enter a name in the Name field.

Source: Intuit QuickBooks
From the drop-down Data type field, select a data type (as shown in the red box within the illustration below).

Source: Intuit QuickBooks
From the drop-down, select the Category that this Custom Field will be used for.

Source: Intuit QuickBooks
Check-mark the various Forms upon which the new custom field will be utilized.

Source: Intuit QuickBooks
To optionally show the custom field on printed and delivered forms, turn on Print on form.

Source: Intuit QuickBooks
Note: The custom filed will only appear in QuickBooks Online if you don't elect this option.
Select Save.

Source: Intuit QuickBooks
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