Does it ever cross your mind “I need to see that transaction again” or “what did that look like” while working in QuickBooks Online Accountant? For this very reason QuickBooks Online Accountant has a few ways to look at recent transaction history.
To use the “Search” feature start with the home screen inside QuickBooks Online Accountant. In the right hand corner the “Search” feature can be used by entering in specifics of a transaction but the Search feature has an additional functionality which lists the recent activity. This allows you to be able to view all transactions and journal entries in a list and able to select and edit each transaction inside of QuickBooks Online Accountant.
QuickBooks Online Accountant Search feature
Keep in mind this is a QuickBooks Online Accountant feature, and the client’s recent transaction feature is located in a different spot on the home screen. The client's version does not include the additional feature functionality which list all transactions, and instead lists only a handful of transactions. This is something to be mindful of when giving tips to your clients.
By comparison there is the “recent transactions” feature view from inside QuickBooks Online. The recent transactions feature is a clock icon and lists only the most recent transactions; however, the user can still select and edit transactions from the list.
QuickBooks Online Recent Transactions
There are multiple ways to view recent transactions. One feature available in both QuickBooks Online Accountant, and the client’s QuickBooks Online version, is the ability to search for a particular type of transaction which creates a recent transactions list for that type of corresponding transaction type. For example, to view a list of recent Expenses open the Expense screen and select the clock icon.
Home screen > Quick Create > Expense
Recent Expense
If you prefer or need a more in depth view you can search the audit log. The audit log creates a report which will list the user, date and changes made to the transaction. This feature is available in both QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Online Accountant..
Gear icon > Audit Log
Audit Log access
So, hopefully the next time you are looking for “that” transaction your search will be faster; instead of going on a long treasure hunt use the Search feature inside of QuickBooks Online Accountant to view the most recent transactions.