Within the last few months, the QBO team has been rolling out improvements, including several to QBO reporting, in terms of customization and layout capabilities. Here are the ones I've noticed as I prepare to take the "new" (2017) version of the QBO exam.
I tried to get my friend MB to tell me if these report features would be on the new test, but she gave me the old, "mums the word" treatment. So, I'm just making the assumption that a lot of them may be included.
As I said, customizing is easier with the new report features, especially with the freeze row header and first column function. When you scroll through large reports, either horizontally or vertically, the header and first left column remain in view for reference purposes.
But there are lots of customization options to make your reports, "your reports."
QBO Reports 1
QBO Reports 1 Text
Go beyond simple report selections and customize even more:
QBO Reports 2
When you click on the Customize button, you open up a wealth of other opportunities (literally, they open up as you can see below):
QBO Reports 3
QBO Reports 2 Text
And even though you thought there were plenty of other changes, the QBO team didn't stop there; they give you new ways to further personalize your reports:
QBO Reports 4
Reports Text 4
Of course, you need an easy way to share your reports, and sharing is made simple with the reporting enhancements:
QBO Reports 5
QBO Reports 5 text
I don't know about you, but I'm going to hone in on these "eight" customization points. I would almost bet some of them appear in that new exam.