Insightful Accountant is betting you don’t have time to keep up with the proliferation of Apps hitting the market. That’s why QB Talks is going to start bringing you 'App Neighborhood Watch' once each quarter.
We can't possibly bring you all the Apps Intuit is adding to the QuickBooks App Center every 90 days but we can bring you some of those we think will most 'peak your interest' and give you basic information, show you some screen shots or do a short live-demo and discuss how you or your clients might use the App. These are NOT in-depth reviews, they are NOT sponsored content, and they are NOT endorsements, we are just trying to provide you with information to help you determine if you want to assess the App for yourself along with links where you can find the App.
Because we know that you want an experienced QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor who is 'really into Apps' acting as your liaison for these Apps Kelly G (aka: Kelly Gonsalves, the founder and chief visionary of Totally Booked) will guide you through these App experiences.
So, come join us for our first App Neighborhood Watch on Wednesday February 19, 2020 at 2pm Eastern when we explore the following new Apps:
- Ledgible
- nettTracker
- StriveChat
- GoodshufflePro
- Aider
If you are not already registered for QB Talks you can sign-up HERE. Kelly G and I will look forward to seeing you join us as we get to know these newest Intuit QuickBooks App Neighbors.