Do you miss being able to see Apps in your Navigation Bar? Want to be able to have a one click option for the Chart of Accounts and Banks? How about looking at both your Customers and Sales Transactions from the Navigation Bar, or your Vendors and Expense Transactions?
You can quickly improve functionality in QuickBooks Online if you turn on the QuickBooks Labs Alternate Navigation Bar. The illustration below is a comparison of the standard Navigation Bar and the QuickBooks Labs Alternate Navigation Bar:
QBO Nav Bar Comparison
Comparison of Standard and QB Labs left-hand navigation bars for QuickBooks Online
To enable the QuickBooks Labs Alternate Navigation Bar:
1) Company Gear > QuickBooks Labs >
QBO Labs Nav Bar Option Access
Enabling the QuickBooks Online Alternate Navigation Bar
2) Select Alternate Navigation with Centers
QBO Labs Nav Bar Selection
QuickBooks Online Navigation Bar Alternative from QuickBooks Labs
3) When you refresh your screen you will see the QuickBooks Labs Alternate Navigation Bar has taken the place of the standard left-hand navigation bar in your QBO file.
This 'Alternate Bar' allows you to log into the App center (my favorite location for easy app access).
A new feature built into the QuickBooks Labs Navigation Bar is the expanded view for Vendors and Expenses. By clicking on the Vendors and Expenses icon you have two options the standard vendors list (renamed Suppliers List) or the Expenses List which allows the company expenses to be sorted in various way by selecting the line headers. These options, and sorting abilities, are also true for your Customers and Sales as well.
QBO Labs Nav Bar Enhancements
View of the Expense tab (Suppliers in background) from the Vendors and Expenses option of the QBO Labs Navigation Bar.
This Alternate Navigation Bar is a big win, with one clink you can also access your Chart of Accounts and Banking.
Who knows maybe this view will end up being the new standard Navigation Bar for QBO, I sure hope so!