Make sure to keep your certifications up-to-date so you don't lose your ProAdvisor status. Recertifications requirements need to be fulfilled by June 30th.
In order to maintain your certification status and benefits you are required to complete the recertification exam by June 30, 2021.
Each recertification exam focuses on what's changed in the product since the prior year.
To prepare for each of the exams you have several options. You can use the training portal inside your QuickBooks Online Accountant Dashboard to choose any of the ProAdvisor training opportunities necessary to give you the knowledge to be ready to pass the exams. For example, you might want to take the "What's New in QuickBooks Online 2021" training. Or, if you are Advanced Certified, then you might want to take the "What's New in QuickBooks Online 2021 - Advanced" training.
Accessing Your ProAdvisor Training and Certification/Re-certification Exams:
(1) Start from the QuickBooks Online Accountant Dashboard
(2) From the Navigation bar choose ProAdvisor
(3) Click into Training to learn more about the latest product information required to pass the exams
(4) There are a couple options for training
(a) Self-paced on-demand training
(b) Watch webinar training, including applicable training from QuickBooks Accountant University.
Your goal is to learn what is required about any changes that have been made in the last year they are necessary to know for passing your recertification exam.
Remember, if you miss the June 30th deadline, you will not only lose your certification status but you will also have 100 points deducted from your ProAdvisor Program points balance, and you must take the entire certification course over, not just the re-certification to regain certification status.