If you follow our tip and use a Journal Entry 'account' for all types of adjustments in QuickBooks (Sales Receipts, Credit Memos, Checks and Journal Entries), you can use the account register for the 'Journal Entries' bank account to view a list of adjustments.
Perform the following steps to create a General Journal that includes all of the transactions you used to adjust the client’s QuickBooks data:
Step 1. Include the Journal Entries bank Account on every adjustment you enter, regardless of the form you use (as mentioned above).
Step 2. Open the Reports drop-down menu, select Accountant & Taxes and then select Journal. QuickBooks displays an unfiltered Journal Report as shown below.
Step 3. Click Customize Report and then select the Filters tab. Filter the report by Account for “Multiple Accounts” and then select all of the Accounts on the list. Then, include Split
detail for accounts matching the “Journal Entries” bank account.
TJW Adjustment Report Tip 1
TJW Adjusting Report Filter Options
Step 4. Set the date range to “All” or the desired date range. If you do not set the report to “All,” it is best to use a dynamic range like, “This Fiscal Year to Date” or “This Fiscal Quarter to Date.”
Step 5. Give the report the title of “General Journal” or “Accounting Adjustments.”