A reader has written in to ask: "What can we do since we can no longer find our attached documents after we changed the name of our QuickBooks file?"
When you use QuickBooks Attached Documents that are locally stored (in newer versions of QuickBooks, as opposed to older versions which offered cloud storage), QuickBooks creates an Attached Documents Folder in the same directory (folder) as your QuickBooks Company- file.
If you rename or move your Company-file, the connection between your Company-file and your Attached Documents will be broken.
To resolve this problem:
1. Close QuickBooks
2. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the directory (folder) where your QuickBooks Company-file is stored and open the Attach folder.
3. Follow the steps below (A or B) depending on your own specific circumstance:
A. If there is a directory (folder) with your new Company-file name:
(1) Open the directory (folder) with the OLD Company-file name.
(2) Copy the contents of the InBox sub-folder and paste them in the InBox sub-folder of the Attach folder with the New Company-file name.
(3) Copy the contents of the Txn sub-folder and paste them in the Txn sub-folder of the folder with the New Company-file name.
B. If there is NOT a directory (folder) with the new Company-file name:
(1) Change the name of the folder to match the name of the new Company-file.
(2) Make certain to name the folder exactly the same name that is in front of the .qbw extension.
4. Open QuickBooks to your New Company-file,
5. Open the Company menu,
6. Select the Documents menu option,
7. Pick the option to Clean Up Attachment Links.
When this process is complete, your Attached Documents should once again be linked to your QuickBooks Company-file.