Xero is committed to continuously upgrading its technology to make features faster, giving its platform a consistent look and feel, and ensuring it keeps accessibility top of mind.
Recent or in-progress enhancements include:
- Improvements to Bank search make it easier to find your financial institution when setting up a bank feed.
- Improvements to Add bank accounts to make it easier to add bank accounts
- Xero now offers improved import of bank statements and greater flexibility in importing transactions into Xero.
- You now can use Hubdoc's bank statement extraction tool if you bank with BMO, Chase Bank, CIBC, Royal Bank of Canada, Scotia Bank, TD Canada Trust Bank or Wells Fargo.
- Xero Payroll Employee Details are being re-designed and updated, including a new autocomplete feature that reduces the risk of errors.
- The Xero Payroll drop-down menu recently was updated with a new link to payroll settings.
- The Xero Accounting Dashboard currently is "under reconstruction" to allow users to reposition widgets for their needs or preferences.
- The Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) Contractor report has been upgraded with a new design and now includes a PDF preview of Payment and Deduction statements.
- Xero Projects have been improved with Detailed Time reports, which include new date filtering, start and end times, project status, total cost, cost rate per hour, and more. You also can include bills with line items not assigned to projects in your searches.
- Xero Job Manager has a new look and extra features with a cleaner design to make it easier to see your jobs the way you need to view them.
- Xero HQ users now can add a reporting name to accounts in their chart of accounts template.
- GoCardless has been updated in Xero so you can send direct debit agreements to customers directly from Xero without having to send invoices.
Now is the time for Xero users to switch to those new reports we started telling you about last November. Xero is urging users to migrate existing reports to the new reporting formats.
Xero wants to give you plenty of time to get used to the new report formats before the older versions are retired.
Here are some of the latest features Xero has introduced to reports:
- The current column in aged reports automatically is hidden when it is not needed (such as when aging by invoice date) or if it is empty.
- You now can run aged reports at the end of the current month by default instead of "as at" today's date.
- Xero has changed its aged reports so that invoices that fall on the report's date now are included in the first aging bracket instead of the current column.
- An additional option in aged reports can be found in the aging period's drop-down menu, which lets you return the report to how it was before the change.
- Global settings have been released to users in the US. You now can set preferences for organizations, including the default accounting basis, decimals, account codes, and many more.
Stay tuned to Xero on Thursdays and Xero Updates (also on Thursdays) for what's new and improved, along with tips about using Xero, including contributed features from Xero experts.
Portions of this feature, including graphical artwork contained herein, have been adapted from Xero source content including information provided by Xero media sources. Adapted source materials by Insightful Accountant are furnished for educational purposes only.
Xero is a registered trademark of Xero Ltd., a New Zealand-based, OTCMKTS (XROLF) traded, technology company with headquarters in Wellington, New Zealand.
Any other trade names used herein that refer to products which may be registered or trademarked, are held by their respective owners; they are referenced solely for informational and educational purposes.
This is an editorial feature, not sponsored content. None of the vendors within this article have paid Insightful Accountant or the author any form of remuneration to be included within this feature. The article is provided solely for informational and educational purposes.
The publication of this article, nor inclusion of this product within the related series, does not represent any endorsement by either the author or Insightful Accountant.
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