In recognition of the evolving trends in paperless operations, the CPA Firm Management Association's "CPAFMA 2017 Paperless Benchmark Survey" will be a critical update to last year's survey.
And CPAFMA needs your help as a firm management professional. The survey results, which provide valuable, consistent industry benchmarking, will be included in future CPAFMA articles and resources, including the February CPAFMA Insights and a MAPCast in the New Year. All survey participants will receive an advanced copy of the article.
The survey, powered by Canon, is the kind of resource the industry has come to expect from CPAFMA, formerly the Association for Accounting Administration.
To help get the best results, please respond no later than Wednesday, Dec. 21. The survey takes less than 15 minutes to complete. All questions should be answered for the firm in the upcoming 2017 tax season.
The survey starts here.