A lot of retailers are choosing to purchase the new QuickBooks Point-of-sale Version 18 because of some tremendous sale incentives going on right now, as well as feature updates including support for the Windows Surface Pro tablet-computer. Insightful Accountant felt we should provide some ‘best practices’ when preparing to upgrade from your current QuickBooks Point-of-sale version to the newest version.
Step 1 - Insure you meet the new QBPOS System Requirements1
Operating System
- Windows 10, all editions including 64-bit, natively installed1
- Windows 8.1 (Update 1) all editions including 64-bit, natively installed
- Windows 7 SP1 all editions including 64-bit, natively installed
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2011 SP1
- Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and SP2
Hardware and OS Environment
QBPOS-18 System Req. Table
Note: Internet access is required, high speed is recommended.
Software compatibility
Data import/export and Microsoft Office integration requires full versions of the following:
- Microsoft Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, Office 365 (includes 64-bit)
- Microsoft Word 2010, 2013, 2016, Office 365 (includes 64-bit)
If you find that your systems requirements are deficient, you should NOT update your QuickBooks Point-of-sale software until such time as you have resolved those deficiencies.
Assuming your system(s) are in conformity with the system requirements, then proceed to step 2.
Step 2 - Perform a Financial Exchange (if you exchange data with QuickBooks Financial)
- Perform a financial exchange between QuickBooks Point-of-sale and QuickBooks financial.
- Review the exchange history and insure that all transactions properly updated between the two systems.
- Resolve any issues where data has not exchanged properly.
- Re-run exchange and insure that all transactions have properly updated between the two systems before proceeding.
Step 3 - Verify your QuickBooks Point-of-sale Data
Run the QuickBooks Point-of-sale Verify Data Utility. This helps identify any damaged transaction, lists or database irregularities of your Point-of-sale file. To verify your data:
- Launch QBPOS Debug mode from the Point-of-sale Help menu, then click About Point-of-sale. When the Point-of-sale information window opens, simultaneously press CTRL + ALT + D + B on your keyboard. Now click OK to close the information window. The Debug mode will be activated and will appear the next time you open the Help menu.
- Run the Verify Utility from the Point-of-sale Help menu, then click Debug and then select Verify Data. Depending on your file size, it may take some time for Verify to complete. Do not terminate the verify or close QuickBooks Point-of-sale during the verify process, allow it complete.
If verify completes normally, and no errors are found you are ready to proceed to the next step.
If any error message is returned, discontinue these steps and proceed with troubleshooting your data issues. Do Not Attempt to Upgrade QuickBooks Point-of-sale if you have data problems. Review Intuit's instructions for clean-up of your Point-of-sale data at this website.
If you encounter data problems and are able to resolve them, then return to these best practices at Step 2.
Step 4 - Verify your QuickBooks Financial Data File
Assuming your QuickBooks Point-of-sale data checked-out normally during the Verify routine, you now want to verify your QuickBooks Company file data.
- Open QuickBooks (financial) as the Company Administrator, and switch to Single-user mode.
- From the File menu, select Utilities, Verify Data
If verify completes normally and displays the message QuickBooks detected no problem with your data, click OK, and proceed to the next step.
If Verify finds an issue with your data, you will be prompted to Rebuild Now or View Errors, click Close. Undertake data troubleshooting steps, review Intuit's instructions for resolving data damage at this website. Do Not Attempt to Upgrade QuickBooks Point-of-sale if you have data problems in QuickBooks financial since it is possible that the two sets of data are out-of-sequence and/or out-of-balance.
If you encounter data problems and are able to resolve them, then return to these best practices at Step 2.
Step 5 - Archive a back-up copy of your QuickBooks Point-of-sale data
Create an ‘archived’ backup of your QuickBooks Point-of-sale data. This preserves a copy of your Point-of-sale data in the original QuickBooks POS version format. In case there happens to be ‘any problem’ with upgrading, you still have your original data.
- From the File menu, select Back Up Data, then specify the backup location. Since this is an ‘archive copy’ you want to save this copy of the data to a safe location other than your ‘default’ location.
- Select Specify Alternate Location and enter the path or browse to the backup location and enter a file name. We suggest that you backup to your computer’s desktop and then cut & paste the backup file to a flash-drive for safekeeping.
- Click Backup, then Finish.
Step 6 - Archive a back-up copy of your QuickBooks Financial data
If you exchange data with QuickBooks Financial, create an ‘archive’ backup of your QuickBooks financial ‘company file’. This preserves a copy of your QuickBooks Company file at the same time as your QuickBooks Point-of-sale data. This means that your Point-of-sale and QB financial data are ‘sequenced’ in case you would have to restore either file.
- Open QuickBooks (financial) as the Company Administrator, and switch to Single-user mode.
- From the File menu, select Backup Company
- Choose Local Backup, then select Local Back
- Click the Options button, then click Browse
- Select a location for your backup. We suggest that you backup to your computer’s desktop and then cut & paste the backup file to a flash-drive for safekeeping. After selecting the location, click OK.
- Set the other options to insure that you Add the date and time of the backup to the file name and that you choose Complete verification
- Click OK when you have set these options, QuickBooks opens the Create Backup window, click Next, then select Save it Now. Finally click Save to start the backup operation.
Step 7 - Install the new version of QuickBooks Point-of-sale on the Server.
Download QuickBooks Point-of-sale (if you have not already done so), then go to the location where the download was saved and double-click the QBPOSv18.exe file to run the installation.
- Click Yes to All if prompted to overwrite the existing extracted files.
- Click Next to begin the installation.
- Read the Software License Agreement. If you agree, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.
- Enter your License and Product numbers and click Next, then click Next again.
- Select the number of computers to be used for Point-of-sale. If you are a single installation choose Single User, then select Only this computer and follow the installation process. If you are running multiple POS workstations select Multiple Users, then choose Two or more computers and select Server. The Server is always the first computer to which QuickBooks Point-of-sale is installed. The QBPOS server creates and holds your company data.
- Click Install to continue, or click Back if you need to go back and review any of the previous screens. If you click Install, the program will proceed through the installation process.
- You may need to restart your computer and then open QuickBooks Point-of-sale to continue with upgrading your point-of-sale file from the earlier version.
- After installation, activate QuickBooks Desktop Point-of-sale.
Step 8 - Upgrade the QuickBooks Point-of-sale File from the Server
Only the SysAdmin user can upgrade your QuickBooks Point-of-sale file, and the file upgrade can only be done on the QuickBooks Point-of-sale server.
- Open the new version of QuickBooks Desktop Point-of-sale.
- From the File menu, go to Company Operations.
- Choose the option to Convert from previous version and click Next.
- Enter the Company Name for your converted data file and select the Previous Version of Point-of-sale that you are converting from.
- After the conversion process completes, you can access all of your data in the new version of Point-of-sale.
- If the conversion of your data file is unsuccessful, you may restore from your most recent backup file made in your previous version of Point-of-sale including the archived backup you made prior to the actual upgrade process.
- If converting or restoring your file did not work, escalate the file to Data Services to convert to the newer version. But remember, you also have the 'archived' backup you made prior to starting the actual upgrade process.
Step 9 - Install the upgrade to each QuickBooks Point-of-sale Workstation
Only after the server and file have been upgraded successfully should you proceed with installation and upgrade of your QuickBooks Point-of-sale workstations.
Download QuickBooks Point-of-sale (if you have not already done so), then go to the location where the download was saved and double-click the QBPOSv18.exe file to run the installation.
- Click Yes to All if prompted to overwrite the existing extracted files.
- Click Next to begin the installation.
- Read the Software License Agreement. If you agree, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.
- Enter your License and Product numbers and click Next, then click Next again.
- Select the number of computers to be used for Point-of-sale; choose Multiple Users. Then choose Two or more computers and select Client Workstation. The client workstation is typically one of your cash register locations used to assist customers in their daily sales. These workstations need simultaneous access to the Point-of-sale program and your data file. Because this is an upgrade to an existing installation, you should keep your computers the same type of Point-of-sale installation under the new software as existed under the earlier version.
- Click Install to continue, or click Back if you need to go back and review any of the previous screens. If you click Install, the program will proceed through the installation process.
- You may need to restart your computer and then open QuickBooks Point-of-sale to get started.
- After installation, activate QuickBooks Desktop Point-of-sale.
- Attempt to connect the workstation to the server by locating your Point-of-sale data file. Typically there is not a problem connecting if the same server computer is being used, and the company file remained on the same computer; however, the file path on the server should now reflect the new Point-of-sale version: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks Point of Sale 18.0\Data
- In the event that one or more Client workstation computers will not connect after upgrade, review the Intuit publication for Troubleshooting multi-user issues in Point-of-sale at this website.
Of course, if you are uncomfortable doing this detailed an upgrade of both your QuickBooks Point-of-sale Software and data file, then consider contacting a local QuickBooks ProAdvisor who is skilled in QuickBooks Point-of-sale or a local Intuit Reseller who supports QuickBooks Point-of-sale.
1 - System Requirements: If the individual product requirements above do not specifically state that an operating system, hardware, software, firewall or antivirus is supported, it has not been tested. Intuit cannot promise that your experience will be trouble-free. If you experience problems outside of the supported environment, technical support will be limited to standard troubleshooting. If unresolved, the program should be returned to a supported environment for additional support. Also note that should Microsoft no longer support the aforementioned products, then neither shall Intuit.