It's 30-days and counting until March 31, 2016.
Intuit has announced that anyone using Intuit payments (credit card) processing must upgrade to the most recent versions of QuickBooks and QuickBooks Point-of-Sale by March 31, 2016 (3/31/16) in order to be EMV compliant. (The specific software versions Intuit will support for EMV compliance are listed in the bullet-points below.)
In addition to these software changes, those processing credit cards must also secure the necessary EMV compliant card reader(s) appropriate for their QuickBooks software.
At this time Intuit has chosen to ONLY support the following QuickBooks products for EMV:
- QuickBooks Pro, Premier and Accountant 2016 (ONLY) using the updated EMV reader. (Similar to the one shown to the right.)
- QuickBooks Enterprise V16 (ONLY) using their updated EMV reader
- QuickBooks Online products when using the plugin Intuit EMV reader.
- QuickBooks Point-of-Sale V12 (ONLY)) using the plugin Intuit EMV reader. (Similar to the one shown to the right.)
- QuickBooks Point-of-Sale for iPad powered by Revel, using Revel's provided hardware for Intuit payment processing (ONLY).
- QuickBooks GoPayments (Mobile Payments) using Intuit's EMV compliant plugin reader (older plug-in readers will NOT be covered). (Like the one shown below.)
.Keep in mind that 'merchant service' liability only exists if you use one of these EMV supported solftware products or solutions, coupled with an Intuit compliant EMV reader, if you are using an Intuit payment processing account.
For those that simply don't want to spend the bucks to upgrade software and buy new 'readers', you can always assume your own risk for bad charges by your customers. Obviously some activities and transaction types are more 'risky' than others, you will have to judge for yourself.
In addition, there maybe alternative 'merchant service accounts' that you can make use of that will NOT require you to buy new software, although you may still need to purchase an EMV reader.
You still have time to research your alternatives, and to take the steps necessary to either become compliant, assume your own risk, or find an alternative merchant service that has no associated 'software' demands.
If you do want to upgrade your QuickBooks software, or acquire new EMV related hardware, we suggest that you contact your 'local QuickBooks ProAdvisor' or 'local Intuit Reseller' to assist you with either your QuickBooks Software or EMV compliant-hardware needs.