Every few years I undertake a review and comparison of various antivirus, anti-spyware, internet security software, cloud-based EDR cyber security applications, and firewall hardware (collectively referred to as "cybersecurity software" within this article).
I used the same rating criteria we've been using for our app comparisons, including criteria like "ease of implementation," "configurability," "automation capabilities," "ease of use," "product support," "reputation," and "price" when evaluating the various software/applications. I then computed a composite score designed to give you each categories rankings based on a relative score of 0-5 with 5 being the highest and 0 being the lowest.
The results for 'Anti-virus' are shown in the table below.
We understand that many of you have your own favorites when it comes to antivirus software. We also understand that your feelings may change when it comes to anti-virus software for 'home' rather than 'work'.
When my first list was issued eons ago, I provided fewer than ten apps of this type. I then expanded to a dozen or so anti-virus apps. This year we included the top twenty of this category with their relative scores. Some apps maybe separated by as few as 0.05 points or less; other apps may have tied with the same relative ranking. So, rather than simply tell you "use this one, not that one" I provide the relative scoring so you can make your own selection(s).
Before making any purchase decision(s), you should always review and perhaps 'try' one of these apps to confirm the app you select conforms to the standards and requirements of all of your major applications, including those apps that are internet based. In addition, if you are networked, or are actively running apps over an internet provider and hosting source, ensure that the anti-virus software you try or buy conforms to their specifications.
In part two of this survey we will look at Anti-spyware apps; some (but not all) of the apps in the list above may also appear in our next list since they also provide anti-virus functionality.
Feel free to share your opinions about your favorite antivirus/internet-security software—along with your experiences—by posting them in the comments to this article. But please, keep them "PG," or they will not get published.
This article does not constitute a formal endorsement by Insightful Accountant, or the author, of any of the products discussed herein.
This article provides a relative comparison and ranking of multiple products based upon the authors reviews of products and product information. Survey methodology is a trade-secret of Insightful Accountant and protected under Insightful Accountant's copyright.
This is an editorial feature, it s not sponsored content. None of the vendors have paid Insightful Accountant, or the author, remuneration of any type to be included within this feature. The article is provided solely for informational and educational purposes.
Various trade names used herein refer specifically to registered trademark products held by their respective owners. They are used for informational and educational purposes only.