Qvinci, the product I previously described as, "hitting a 'reporting home run' out of the ball park,'" has done it again.
This time by releasing new game-changing capabilities that allow users to author, style, edit, package and publish sophisticated user-defined financial, KPI and business intelligence reports – blending data from multiple types (P&L, Balance Sheet, etc.) and other data sources (Excel) in one customizable templated package.
With this new functionality you can build it once and then use it forever. Outside of a complicated time-consuming manual process, this type of sophisticated reporting and analytics has simply not been available without Qvinci. Further, Qvinci configures the reports auto-hydrate, auto-blend, auto-style and auto-package almost instantaneously without requiring any export of the QuickBooks data to Excel for manipulation.
This new report templating can be designed and customized to meet the needs of essentially any SMB, along with their advisors because the solution is industry agnostic. From an accountant that represents any number of multi-location SMBs, or any number of unrelated single SMBs (like doctors, veterinarians, dentists, etc.), to a franchise or other multi-unit organization wanting sophisticated reporting delivered to all its business units, the new Qvinci solution provides.
Source: Simulated data-set and reporting information provided by Qvinci.
With this solution, any single or multi-unit organization can get their essential financial data, key-performance-indicators, and business intelligence information delivered in a single, easy to understand package in near real-time. This is not some cookie-cutter product with a bunch of fixed data-points and comparative KPIs that populate a dashboard with simplistic graphs and charts plugged with a limited set of your data. This is a truly sophisticated business intelligent reporting solution which 'firms of the future' can use to see every aspect of their business in order to gain an advantage over their competition.
For more information about the Dynamic Report Blending and Advanced Business Intelligence solution suite you will want to check out the official press release. But, if you're looking for a sophisticated reporting solution that integrates with QuickBooks, be sure to check out Qvinici at QuickBooks Connect in San Jose November 5 - 7. If you simply can't wait that long then head over to the Qvinci website.