Last week I wrote part 3 of my series on 'Advancing Your Practice' and I discussed the importance of making certain that you are motivated to get out there and take on new clients and grow your business. But, I also told you that you need to be confident in valuation of your services and that you truly charge what you are worth. Now I gave you some names of companies that do that, but honestly, Murph's brain just doesn't work the way it once did and I think everybody has about come to that conclusion. So when I say that I forget to list CollBox among the list of names I have to hang my head in shame because my friend Kellly Bistriceanu is presenting a webinar today at noon (12 PM) Eastern time which she calls, "The Law of Reciprocity: 10 Ways to Generate Instant Value to Retain and Multiply Your Best Client Relationships" that can help you with these very concepts.
For example, Kelly will show you how you can develop confidence in the value of the services you deliver to your clients while at the same time creating tangible evidence your clients can see of the benefits they receive when working with you and your firm. Kelly will teach you strategies you can implement to showcase your expertise that not only establish a competitive edge for you and your firm, but will let your clients see an instant return on their investment when they select you as their accounting professional.
So I want to encourage you to 'take that step' I talked about, this is an opportunity to have a firecracker lit under your you know what, and to get moving toward a bigger and better firm. Just go ahead and attend Kelly's "The Law of Reciprocity: 10 Ways to Generate Instant Value to Retain and Multiply Your Best Client Relationships" webinar today at 12 (noon) Eastern.
If you don't, I'm liable to be igniting a firecracker of my own under your you know what the next time I see you.