Les McKeown will deliver a keynote speech at Scaling New Heights this month. Les is a bestselling author of 3 business growth and leadership books, Predictable Success, The
Synergist, and Do Lead. An expert in business growth, Les is CEO of Predictable Success Corporation, where he consults with Fortune 1000 businesses and smaller, growing businesses. His talents and techniques were developed over decades of experience launching his own highly successful businesses in addition to leading a business incubation firm which launched hundreds more.
Regarding the announcement Joe Woodard, well known speaker and CEO of Woodard Events and the host of Scaling New Heights said, “We are so pleased to have Les McKeown on our stage. We believe this will be a highly entertaining and impactful event for the conference attendees. I credit seeing one of Les’ one day seminars, along with two of Les’ books, Predictable Success and The Synergist, as key components of our continued success throughout the Woodard Companies. I believe every small business advisor would benefit from understanding Les’ approach to small business growth (Predictable Success) and from Les’ insights into team dynamics and interaction (The Synergist).”
Scaling New Heights takes place June 21-24 (this month) in New Orleans, LA. Registration for Scaling New Heights is still open. Click here to visit the site to learn more or to register.