What software company not only gives out an outstanding tool that will perform critical analytics of your client's financial position, along with reporting that clearly provides the favorable and unfavorable indicators of how your clients' businesses are actually performing, but turns around and wraps all of that in a marketing kit that allows you to "spread the word" in a way that highlights the unique services and benefits you are offering? The answer is Qvinci®, and the program is the Qvinci® Turnkey Advisory Program.
When I first heard about the Qvinci® Turnkey Advisory Program, I contacted the folks at Qvinci and asked Charles Nagel, the Founder and CIO why he had decided to expand beyond his analytics and reporting tools into an 'Advisory Program', and he asked me a question in reply. He wanted to know why I thought so many accountants, bookkeepers and business advisors resisted the opportunity to expand beyond the simple numbers into financial advising. I told him that I thought a lot of them were simply afraid of becoming advisors, they felt they understood the numbers, but they didn't know how to advise clients, or how to market themselves as more than 'an accountant', or 'a bookkeeper', or 'a consultant.'
Charles told me I had essentially just answered my own question to him. He wanted to give these professionals an easy to use program that would not only 'crunch the numbers', but identify the trends (good and bad) that needed to be discussed with clients and then provide the details of those trends in such a way 'the advisor' could clearly make the client aware of the issues so they could work toward resolution. But Charles wanted to go beyond that, he wanted to offer these advisors the tools needed to market themselves with examples of the types of unique reporting and documentation so that they could show potential clients how their firm was different from what others were offering.
This is why the Qvinci® Turnkey Advisory Program exists, and why Phase 1 is built upon the three step approach shown below:
Qvinci 3-Step Process
Over the last few weeks I have been introducing you to these concepts which I will be discussing with Charles next week during our August 26th webinar at 2:00 PM Eastern.
Specifically, in my article titled, Qvinci® Webinar makes it easy to 'Review the Metrics' I told you about the streamlined process of reviewing the metrics of the client's financial data with a click of the mouse via Qvinci's Advisory Portal so you can quickly identify potentially harmful trends in their financials as well as highly favorable key performance indicators. Last week's article titled, Qvinci® Webinar simplifies 'Generating the Reports' for Financial Advising I explained how you can easily generate business intelligence for your clients via Qvinci's Automated KPI Scorecard and Financial Reporting packages. These make it possible to incentivize your clients to seek your assistance with actionable financial insights into the problem areas that are negatively impacting their business profitability.
This week I want to summarize Step 3 'Spread the Word', that Marketing Kit I have already mentioned to you. We all know that there are a lot of 'how to classes' out there on marketing, but most of them have little to do with accounting, bookkeeping and consulting services even if they are taught at conferences for us. And essentially none of them have been developed by people who understand this business, and especially the 'numbers side' of this business, so when they start talking about 'social media this, and social media that', rather than "how do you convey the information of 'Running cash Balance Analysis Year-over-year' to a client and why that's important to a client" it makes no sense to most of us who 'crunch numbers for a living.'
But the Qvinci Marketing Kit is a comprehensive tool that provides actual examples of business intelligence reports which you can use with your potential clients, as well as your existing clients if you are trying to sell them on the concept of 'value added services in the form of financial advisory services', and also use to train your staff. The marketing kit also incorporates ready-to-go email templates and simple instructions on how to implement the marketing elements so, as I put it earlier, you can differentiate yourself from others.
And if you noticed I just brought up one other point in my last paragraph, and that was 'value added services'. A lot of professionals in our business wonder what they can do to justify changing to 'value added billing'. I think the Qvinci® Turnkey Advisory Program has just given you the answer. You can easily migrate to a service pattern that not only includes your traditional services, but also incorporates the new metrics along with the KPI Scorecard and Financial Reports from this program as value-added services to get the ball rolling. You will also find that you then have those extra advisory consultations when your clients are calling to ask you for assistance in resolving the issues needing attention. I don't really know how it can be more simple than that.
But if you really want to know how you can use the Qvinci® Turnkey Advisory Program to make a 'big difference' in your practice, then you need to REGISTER HERE for the August 26th - 2:00 PM Eastern Webinar: Introducing Qvinci's New Turnkey Advisor Program For Accountants. I really hope that you will join us because I believe this new program can be a real game changer for you.