If you're having trouble setting up Direct Connect in QuickBooks for Mac, follow the steps below:
- Check your computer’s internet connection, Direct Connect relies upon an active internet connection to access your financial institution(s).
- Make certain your financial institution(s) support QuickBooks Direct Connect. Your financial institution's website or customer (on-line) banking department can usually provide you with assistance about access, site-security (username/password issuance) and configuration, if needed.
- Make sure you are entering the correct username and password when attempting to connect. When setting up Direct Connect, you must provide the same username and password your financial institution(s) provided to you for access via their standard on-line banking application.
- Make certain you have the most recent maintenance release for your version of QuickBooks. If you are in doubt, perform a manual update: For QuickBooks for Mac, choose QuickBooks > Check for QuickBooks Updates.
If you completed all the steps in this list and still can't get Direct Connect to work, try using QuickBooks Web Connect in lieu of Direct Connect. Some financial institutions support Direct Connect, others only support Web Connect, many will some support both; however, a few institutions have chosen to support neither method.
Best of luck,