A few weeks ago we ask our audience to provide information about what and how they charged for various 'ProAdvisor Services.' This was because Intuit hasn't compiled one of their rates studies in some time.
Murph has gotten out his colored pencils and protractor to prepare a few preliminary results from the profile of our audience results.
Nearly 80% (79.41%) of our respondents report themselves as 'certified ProAdvisors' with exactly 50% reporting themselves as 'Advanced Certified' ProAdvisors. When asked about a secondary description or title for themselves, 35.29% refer to themselves as Bookkeepers, with nearly 9% being 'Certified Bookkeepers.' Almost 18% of respondents are CPAs and 11.76% are Accountants. Enrolled Agents also make up 11.76% of the respondents.

Compensation Methods
We ask our readership responding to the survey how they were compensated for fourteen (14) different 'ProAdvisor (related) Services.' We asked if they were billing for hourly charged services, fixed-fee (rate) services, or another billing method. Please note that respondents could select more than one method if they actually used more than one billing methodology. As a result it is possible that the total percentage values for any singular service may exceed 100%.
Preliminary results indicated for each of the 14 services, 'hourly based charges' are still the predominant method (as seen in the orange table and graph below). The highest percentages reported for 'Hourly rates' are in the areas of QB Troubleshooting at 92%, and Consulting (Other) services at 90%. QB Training (88.46%) and Other QB Consulting (86.36%) were close behind for the 'Hourly rates' results.
The highest percentages for 'fixed fee' services reported were Bookkeeping Services at 22.58% and Accounting Services at 20.83% (as shown in the green table and graph below).

The three highest services reported where 'other billing methods' were used were Accounting and Payroll services, both at 33.33% and Bookkeeping services at 32.26% (shown in light blue in the above table and chart).
What ProAdvisors are Worth
When it comes to what 'ProAdvisors are Worth' as reported by our survey respondents we have only compiled preliminary results for 'hourly rates' and 'fixed fees.'
Hourly Rates
The highest hourly rate is for QB Technical Support at an average of $157.94/hour. Consulting (other) Services is not far behind at $153.15/hour. QB App Integrations is reported with an average of $148.53/hour. and QB Troubleshooting at $146.52/hour. Interestingly enough, 'Accounting Services' were reported at an average of only $130.88/hour, only slightly ahead of the QB Install rate of $130.63/hour. (Hourly rates are shown highlighted in the orange column and bars of the chart below.)

Fixed Fees
The highest average 'fixed fee' charged by our respondents was for Consulting (other) services at $1300.00. The second highest fixed fee reported was $1083.33 for QB Data Clean-up. Accounting Services had the third-highest fixed fee average rate of $763.00, with QB Setup close behind at an average of $750.00. (Fixed fee rates are shown highlighted in the green column and bars of the chart above.)
The only conclusion we will make is to ask, "are you getting paid what you are worth?"
Are your hourly rates equal to, below or in excess of these?
How do your fixed fee rates measure up to the average fixed fee rates reflected by our respondents?
We will have additional results from these preliminary findings in a future article. Stay tuned for more.