Robin Hall
Previously we talked about Sales not having a bad sound and feeling attached to it. We talked about finding the client the right tool or service. Here is the next question: There are so many tools (products) that tie into QuickBooks, how do you get to know them all and how do you determine which one will fit their needs?
For the past 15 years, I have helped thousands of clients in almost every industry. Some have very specific needs and all of them have the need to process payables, receivables, and banking. And most of them have a need to get their data in and out of QuickBooks. We focus on the core first, we build the foundation, and then we branch out. If I work with clients to get the foundation of the accounting system to a solid starting point, then I earn the respect and confidence to become their trusted advisor. From here, I can walk alongside them throughout the remainder of the journey. That is the key; it is a journey that we take with them, not something that happens overnight. I work hard to be there when they need me, whether that be for numerous hours or a short phone call to answer a quick question Anytime someone tries to force a specified amount of work commitment on a client, the client will automatically think I am looking out for myself and not them. Every action I take silently, and verbally, is intended to tell them that they are the most important client I have and I am there for their benefit. This is not about me! We all know that it becomes a mutually beneficial relationship, but I have always been determined to make myself a guide on the journey and not a drill sergeant forging through the forest with them trailing behind. We look at options and weigh the pros and cons together.
After they know that I am extremely knowledgeable with QuickBooks, they are more than happy to have me learn their niche needs alongside them. We are then at the point where I do not need to be an expert in their field but have enough knowledge about their systems and challenges to guide them through the process.