According to statistics, 80 million people in the US are weekly podcast listeners. That's a massive audience just waiting to hear your story. Podcasts are so popular because people can access and listen to them from virtually anywhere.
The influence they wield is clear, especially since they tend to be more engaging than books or even television. When you think of it, which is more portable or convenient? The podcasts are right.
Podcasts give listeners the ability to dive into a litany of topics without setting aside specific time for a book or a video series. They can be absorbed in the car, while on a walk, while making dinner, or any other time.
They are the ultimate information-gathering medium for our ultra-busy, multi-tasking world. Appearing on them is an essential component of a comprehensive marketing strategy for those looking to get their name out there and get their story heard.
More than anything, they are a powerful medium that you can use to shine a light on your product, service or message. If you are approached about being a guest on a podcast, you may wonder how to make the most of the opportunity. Just remember, you can be a great podcast guest by keeping several things in mind as you sit down to record your appearance.
1. Don't Sell; Be Casual and Conversational
Consumers can sense an overly pushy salesperson from a mile away. Appearing on a podcast is your chance to showcase your brand to an audience who may not know you well—or at all. Resist the temptation to be overly sales-y.
Instead, casually share your story in a relatable way. The audience will want to feel like you are having a genuine conversation with the host, one that they are privileged to listen in on and can glean good information from. Be authentic and approachable so listeners will want to get to know you.
2. Take Your Time and Elaborate
Unlike traditional television interviews, podcasts are not traditionally segmented from a timing standpoint. This format allows you to elaborate on some of your key points. Take that time. Be personable and use the space you are given to tell a complete story.
3. Let Your Personality Shine Through
People work with who they like, and they’ll usually buy from the people and brands they feel most comfortable with. Podcasts are the perfect medium to showcase your personality. Try leading off with the story of how your business began.
Don’t shy away from sharing stories of triumph or tribulation. Feel free to give listeners insight into who you are outside of your brand. The more listeners feel like they know you as a person, the more likely they will want to engage with your brand.
According to statistics, 80 million people in the US are weekly podcast listeners. That's a massive audience just waiting to hear your story.
4. Articulate and Differentiate Your Message
The extra time given in a podcast format can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse if you're not careful with your message. Just because you have more time doesn't mean you should let your core message get away from you.
Ensure that you deliver your brand's key messaging again and again, by differentiating how you present it. Make sure to provide the key message at the beginning of the interview and the end. With podcasts, the listener might not be paying attention all the way through.
It is best to communicate your critical messages throughout—it is a constant reminder of who you are and what you are trying to accomplish. So, no matter when the listener joins the podcast, they can get the gist of your main points.
5. Try to Build a Personal Connection
This piece of advice ties into No. 1 and No. 3, but it is important to stress that this is your time to connect with listeners personally. People may not remember your brand, product, or service on the first mention, but they will remember a compelling story.
Moving stories trigger memories for people, making it more likely that they will connect with you and your brand when listening to you. Establishing that connection with them is all about leaving a lasting impression through your storytelling.
Ryan Bass is a Media Director at OtterPR in Tampa, Florida. For the past 10 years, Bass has been an anchor, host and reporter in television, radio, and podcasting, as well as a beat writer for print and digital media. He most recently spent the last five years as the evening news anchor and sports director at 10 Tampa Bay. Prior to that, he was a host with CBS Sports. Bass is a UCF alumnus.
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