The Top 50 International ProAdvisors for 2024
Insightful Accountant is honored to present the Top 50 International ProAdvisors for 2024 (shown below in alphabetical order).
Anna Abbruzzese
Lori Aitken
Megan Andersen
Sukhdeep Aujla
Mohammad Bajwa
Hassan Ali Bana
Laura Banick
Ash Beetson
Catalina Bermudez
Tish Bhagwandeen
Christopher Carpenito
Jonathan Carter
Brian Clare
Alee Cochrane
Rachel Devine
Lauren Du Plooy
Reem Eissa
Emma Fabbro
Lauretta Finis
Clive Hand
Jason Hastie
Tanya Hilts
Aamir Jewani
Prachi Joshi
Anuj Khosla
Mike Libbey
Kim Lyon
Angela Meharg
Bobby Molaie
Freddy Molina Norori
Amanda Mungal
Samantha Nicholson
Anna Nikitenko
Sharon Phillips
Anneli Pretorius
Maria Ramouch
Christina Ratte
Mike Saini
Jody Schlese
Shannon Sciuto
Teresa Slack
Connie Smith
Jamine Souza
Stacy Stanley Young
Kevin Sterling
Marnie Stretch
Carrie Tansley
Jane Unsworth
Leah Ward
Trent Yesberg
Thank You to International ProAdvisor Participants
Insightful Accountant wants to also thank all of our International Nominees, Applicants and Ballot Candidates for their participation in this year's process.
If you didn't make this year's list, undergo as much ProAdvisor training available to you, take as many QuickBooks certifications as you possibly can and build your practices, grow your client base, and devote yourself to your profession. These things make all the difference in the objective point-based system upon which the International Awards are based.
We look forward to your participation in our 2025 International Awards process which will begin this summer.
Our Award's Program Sponsors
Sponsors are the lifeblood of these awards, without our sponsors these awards would not be possible.
Accordingly, we want to gratefully acknowledge Dext, our International Awards Sponsor for 2024.

We also want to acknowledge the remaining 2024 ProAdvisor Awards Sponsors.

Disclosure: Names appear as provided by the applicants in their official application forms.