I guess I am going to have to give up my Sales Tax RV and go on a 'Roundup' of Nominees for this Year's Top 100 ProAdvisors since Formal Applications are being completed 'so slowly'.
I know that many of you have your heads in business tax returns right now, but I don't want you to have such a 'sigh of relieve' when March 15 comes that you forget that your next deadline is March 25 for your formal Top 100 Application.
So, just open that email we sent you with the link to your application invitation and 'give it a click' to start either the 'short form' or 'long form' depending on your eligibility, because I certainly don't want to have to go on a roundup the very last few days just to corral those of you are are still incomplete.
For the rest of you nominees, not working on 'business tax returns' who haven't completed your applications, just "get 'r dun."