Divvy is a financial technology company located in Lehi, Utah.
Divvy eliminates expense reports and reimbursement by tracking all employee spending within a company as it happens. All employees receive a physical Divvy smart card, which acts as their company card. Administrators can add funds to the card for employees to use for company purchases. When employees use their Divvy card on anything from travel to office supplies, Divvy tracks that information and keeps an itemized record. A live expense report dashboard is available in the app. At the end of the month, accountants can export all spending data directly into accounting software.
Administrators within your client's company set up budgets for individuals, teams, events or special projects. Companies can keep those budgets on track by watching spending as it happens, instead of at the end of the month. Clients can eliminate multiple spending sources, such as corporate credit cards and personal cards. Company spending happens through one platform and is tracked in one place automatically, ending the lengthy auditing process.
Features Include: Giving and controlling money. Employee's request money from specified budgets. Owners can create budgets and send company funds directly to employees for specific purposes. Simple Budgeting. Admins can watch how company spending stacks up against established budgets during the month. See who is spending where and on what instantly, and freeze spenders if things get out of hand. Modern Cards. Revolutionary accounting management. Manage all spending data in one place. Export itemized reports of all company spending directly to accounting software. Fraud Elimination. Security.
Every employee at the company receives a Divvy smart card. Each card is controlled by the budgets to which it is connected. Admins can send money to spenders and approve requests for funds, which then show up on the card. Employees can also create unlimited online cards connected to the budgets with a specific amount and purpose. These one-time-use card numbers allow people to connect their cards to multiple vendors without giving a card number away. This feature allows users to cancel subscriptions with the swipe of a finger.
Automated budgeting and tracking means never reconciling or reimbursing expenses again. Expense fraud costs US businesses $2.8 billion annually, and much of that stolen money comes from pocketing extra reimbursement and misusing company cards. Divvy allows you to send company funds to specific people, so they never have to use a personal card or corporate credit card again. At Divvy, the security of your data is our highest priority. We understand that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your information is vital to you. We safeguard your information with a continual improvement approach to our operational and security readiness to meet the growing demands and challenges of the digital age. We maintain your data and services in a manner compliant with PCI requirements.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. A PCI AOC is available upon request.