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It's great to be here at "QuickBooks Connect." We've been having wonderful conversations with accountants, so far during the conference. It's a very important relationship with us as accountants are the trusted advisor to their clients.
And ADP has resources for accountants, not just for their clients and their payroll needs and HR needs, but also for the firm to help them be better advisors to their clients.
It goes well beyond just reports and the general ledger interface. We also have tax resources and insights—data-driven insights that can help the accountants stay connected to their client's payroll, even if they're not in the payroll process. For example, accountants can see when their clients have increased, an employee count, decreased an employee count, or added employees in other states.
So very helpful information for accountants that are looking to advise their clients when things are changing within their business.
So we have a great program coming up on January 18th. It's our accountant summit. Derek Jeter is our headline speaker this year. It's a virtual event. We have multiple different sessions, but it's a fantastic opportunity to get CPE and also see some of the upcoming trends for 2023.
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