Full Transcript
So DAVO is an automated sales tax solution for brick and mortar merchants. Think about your local coffee shop or restaurant, or maybe a local retail store that sells, within the store, is not doing e-commerce or shipping things across state lines. Davo, manages sales tax, directly through a point of sale.
Think of Square or cl. A merchant connects their point of sale to davo, enabling us to see the transactions throughout the day. At the end of each day, we actually total up the tax collected into the merchant's bank account and set the sales tax aside for them.
Every day, at the end of the tax period, we use all the data we've collected from the point of sale, fill out the tax return file and pay the merchant sales tax for them.
So they actually don't have to think of it. It is truly sales. On autopilot, we like to say we do for sales tax, what ADP does for payroll. So I talk with a number of organizations or, you know, groups that have maybe six or seven restaurants or just one restaurant, buy and sell both as a retail store and like a cafe.
And then they have online sales. They may. Catering and using a different platform like QuickBooks, and then selling wholesale, and it becomes really complicated. An accountant recently told me he spent four hours filling out a tax return, and, by the time I had it, had him reorganize how the data was collected through their point of sale.
We had it down. For him just a couple of minutes each month, to just check and make sure that DAVO was managing their sales tax correctly and the return was being filed. So it's a huge time saver, if you're a tax professional and looking to expand your practice. Leveraging technology like DAVO is a great way to help your clients, but also help enable your practice to grow through building a tech.
That simplifies and automates. We like to say we live in a digital age. It's kind of crazy that people are still managing sales tax manually. DAVO is a digital platform that automates sales tax from start to finish.
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