You should rarely need to void a paycheck. Remember that voiding a paycheck is not like voiding other kinds of checks; paychecks have associated tax and other liability calculations and payments that need to be taken into consideration.
When an employee loses a paycheck or if their paycheck needs to be revised, the employee will usually bring it to your attention immediately. For this reason, QuickBooks offers the ability to edit, revise and/or re-print the original transaction.
So as a general rule “NEVER VOID A PAYCHECK!”
Replacing a Paycheck
The following steps may be used to replace a paycheck when taxes have already been remitted and/or monthly/quarterly payroll reports have been completed, and/or when the lost/stolen paycheck occurred in a prior fiscal period, because these steps do not affect 'cash', 'payroll expenses' or 'payroll liabilities' including those previously reported and/or remitted.
Replace payroll steps 1 and 2
Here is an expanded look at the actual paycheck located in step 2.
Replace paycheck step 2
Replace paycheck step 3
Replace paycheck steps 4 and 5
Replace paycheck Steps 6 and 7
Replace paycheck Step 7 notation
Replacing a Paycheck with Modifications
The following procedure may be used to modify and replace a paycheck when taxes have NOT already been remitted and monthly/quarterly payroll reports have NOT been completed, and when the erroneous paycheck occurred the same fiscal period, because these steps will impact 'cash', 'payroll expenses' or 'payroll liabilities'.