When we launched Intuitive Accountant at Scaling New Heights 2013 I had several people ask me how they could locate vendors for their various needs. The exhibit hall was packed with quality people, products and services to serve them. The real question, however, was "How do I know which ones I should talk to?". After searching the vendor guide and not finding an easy way to discern which vendors sold what, the follow up question was: "And how do I find vendors after this show is over?".
These conversations made me think that there must be a way that Intuitive Accountant can help fill the gap between events. My initial answer is for you to check out our Vendor Corner to see what companies and products we are featuring. You should also check out the Intuit Marketplace and the Intuit App Center. (If that is not enough, you can always get a fresh cup of coffee and try to find what you are looking for with a Google Search :). Google luck on that one!
So how can Intuitive Accountant help you find what you are looking for? My answer, for now, is that we can provide you with a "short list" of vendors based on the category they support. This is not a list of vendors we have tested or vetted. It is not a ranking. While some of them may, it is not a listing of vendors who advertise. It is simply a list of vendors that I have come across at trade shows and conferences that I recognized when I went to the Intuit Marketplace. I hope you find it helpful.
Category - Expense Management
There are 24 companies listed under Expense Management in the Intuit Marketplace. I am only familiar with 5 of the companies by name. Concur, SpringAhead, BQE, Nexonia and Method. (disclosure -- Concur has advertised with me in the past).
Category - Time Tracking
There are 51 companies listed under Time Tracking. in the Intuit Marketplace. I am familiar with 7 of the companies by name. TSheets, SpringAhead, Method, Nexonia, Office Tools Professional, eBility, BigTime, BQE (disclosure - TSheets, currently advertises and Office Tools Pro has advertised with me in the past).
The goal of this article is to help narrow your search in the event you are looking for Time Tracking and/or Expense Tracking. I hope you found it helpful. If you know of some other vendors you think your peers should consider for these categories, please add them to the comments section below.