Laura and VCon
This article is written in support of the course titled "What's New in QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 14" at the Intuit 2014 Accounting Professionals Virtual Conference.This is the last of three articles on QuickBooks 2014 written as supporting curriculum for courses offered at Intuit's 2014 Accounting Professional's Virtual Conference, September 24 through 26, 2013. Other articles in this series will support Conference Courses titled What's New in QuickBooks 2014 for You, and What's New in QuickBooks 2014 for Your Clients. Conference participants will be able to obtain these materials from the Intuitive Accountant booth within the Exhibit Hall during the conference, as well as within the Conference Resource Center. If you have not previously registered for the Conference you can do so at:
What’s New and Improved Exclusively for Enterprise
QuickBooks Enterprise users specialize in their industry and need a solution that helps them with this complexity. Industry and role-specific product features are important for the QuickBooks Enterprise user. QuickBooks Enterprise 14.0 offers flexibility for companies to manage their users and data properly.
New! Add Sales Rep and Custom Fields to Expense Transactions
What this feature does: Users can optionally add Sales Rep and other custom defined fields to the Write Check, Vendor Bill or Credit or Credit Card Charge or Credit transactions. (Slide 1)
How to access it: From a displayed Write Check, Vendor Bill, Credit, Credit Card Charge or Credit, right click with your cursor on the lower grid area and select Customize Columns. (Slide 2)
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? Permits companies to add the Sales Rep or custom defined fields on expense tab of expense transactions. This provides Profit & Loss by Sales Rep or Custom Defined field reporting functionality. (Slide 3)
What pain does this feature solve? Previous versions of QuickBooks only reported Sales by Rep and did not include expenses the Rep may have incurred in the production of the business. Previous versions also did not permit you to add the Sales Rep or Custom Defined fields to expense transactions. (Slide 4)
New! Job Work In Process (WIP) Summary Report
(QuickBooks Enterprise)
What this feature does: Provides a much needed report for any industry that needs to report revenue based on a percentage of completion computation* Report is also valuable for reviewing over/under billings on jobs. (Slide 5)
How to access it: From the menu bar, select Reports > Jobs, Time & Mileage > Job WIP Summary.
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? Industries that are in need of this type of reporting will be able to view at a glance, jobs that are over/under billed and make the needed decisions on those specific jobs.
What pain does this feature solve? Previous versions of QuickBooks did not include this report, a necessary summary for many industries. Users had to export other summary reports to Excel and then manipulate the data to provide what this report now provides now in QuickBooks.
* Note, this report will only provide accrual basis figures. Also, in the event that “Act. Cost” exceeds “Est. Cost”, reported “(%) Complete” will be 100%.
New! Committed Costs By Job Report
(QuickBooks Enterprise)
What this feature does: Provides a more comprehensive view of a job potential profit or (loss). The report includes: Estimated Costs – Actual Costs – Committed Costs (open $ value on purchase orders) – Unpaid Wages*. (Slide 6)
How to access it: From the menu bar, select Reports > Jobs, Time & Mileage > Committed Costs by Job
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? Industries that rely on watching the costs for a project as compared to the budget will value this report. Including open purchase orders and wage costs provides the business owner with a more detailed review of potential over/under costs by budget category.
What pain does this feature solve? Previously, users had to prepare two different reports, Job Estimates vs. Actuals Detail and Open Purchase Orders Detail. These reports have very useful detail, but are in a format that did not accommodate putting them together in one report. Additionally, there was not a report that monetized the unpaid wages related to a job.
* Note: the Unpaid Wages amount is equal to the hours on a time sheet multiplied by the employee’s hourly rate (not including any burdened costs). Once the payroll check is prepared, the Unpaid Wages amount is removed from this report and reported in the Act. Cost column.
Improved! Automatically Build Subassemblies
(QuickBooks Enterprise)
What this feature does: When recording a Build Assembly transaction, users can require QuickBooks to also build, at the same time, any needed subassemblies. If there are not enough BOM components, you will have the option to Mark the Build as Pending or Cancel recording the Build Assembly transaction. (Slide 7)
How to access it: From the menu bar, select Inventory > Build Assemblies. Then place a checkmark in the Automatically build required subassemblies at the bottom of the Build Assemblies transaction window. (Slide 8)
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? Users no longer need to try to figure out what has to be built and in what order to complete a finished product with subassemblies. (Slide 9)
What pain does this feature solve? Workflow previously required users to check the BOM availability manually for any nested assemblies and build those first, before trying to build the end product assembled good.
Improved! Replacing Components in Assemblies
(QuickBooks Enterprise)
What this feature does: Permits users to remove or replace a component with another component in some or all of the related assemblies at one time. (Slide 10)
How to access it: From the menu bar, select Inventory > Item List or Lists > Item List, right click with your mouse cursor. Also access is available from the Inventory Center when an assembly is selected also by right clicking with the mouse cursor. (Slide 11)
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? When a part becomes obsolete or otherwise is not being used, you can now easily remove or replace it in one window from multiple assemblies.
What pain does this feature solve? Previous versions of QuickBooks required that you manually edit each assembly when needing to change out a component.
Improved! Options For Auto Calculating Cost Field on Assembly
(QuickBooks Enterprise)
What this feature does: Provides the business owner with the option of assigning the Assembly Cost either as the Total BOM Cost (from the individual Item record cost fields) or a manually entered User Defined Cost for the assembly. (Slide 12)
How to access it: From the New or Edit Item window on an Inventory Assembly type. To set the company default from the menu bar, select Edit > Preferences > Items & Inventory > on the Company Preferences tab. Click the Automatic Cost & Price Updates button and select Use Auto-Updated BOM Cost as Assembly Cost and additionally When BOM cost changes, update sales price. (Slide 13)
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? If the option to Use Total BOM Cost is selected on the assembly, when there is an increase in a component cost recorded to the item record, QuickBooks will update the total assembly costs where the component is used.
What pain does this feature solve? Users can be certain that the higher level assembly will have the current cost for all of the subassemblies. Additionally, when the Assembly Sales Price is calculated from the total BOM costs, keeping the assemblies updated with current pricing will help the business owner more accurately price the product.
Improved! Edit Cost, Price, Markup and Margin
(QuickBooks Enterprise)
What this feature does: Easy access to editing Item Cost, Price, Markup and Margin without having to open the Edit Item window. (Slide 14)
How to access it: From the Home page, select Inventory Activities > Inventory Center. With an inventory part selected on the left, freely edit the Inventory Part Cost, Sales Price, Markup or Margin without having to open the Edit Item window. You can also manage this information in batch, from the menu bar, select Lists > Add/Edit Multiple List Entries and select Customize Columns to add the Margin and Markup fields to the displayed columns. (Slide 15)
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? Users no longer have to open the Edit Item window to manage the Item’s Cost, Price, Markup and Margin. Using the Add/Edit Multiple Lists Entries makes it very efficient to manage this information for multiple items at a time.
What pain does this feature solve? Users have fewer clicks required to edit the Items Cost, Price, Markup and Margin.
Improved! Inventory Min and Max Values Replace Single Reorder Point
(QuickBooks Enterprise)
What this feature does: Replaced the single Reorder Point field with two new fields on the New or Edit Item window to track Min and Max reorder points. This new information is also displayed in the Inventory Center for each selected inventory item. (Slide 16)
How to access it: From the menu bar, select Lists, Item List. These new Min and Max fields are found in the New Item or Edit Item windows. These new fields can also be populated using the Lists > Add/Edit Multiple List Entries window.
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? Inventory reorder reports for any item with less than the Minimum Quantity on Hand will now suggest an amount to order that will replenish inventory levels up to the Max value field for each item. Users can adjust this quantity as needed to accommodate seasonal or other shifts in stock requirements. This feature also improves working with the Auto Purchase Order feature by recommending a quantity to purchase.
What pain does this feature solve? Former item field titled Reorder Point, was a single value and has now been replaced by both a Min and Max quantity for flexibility in calculating quantity to order.
Improved! Create Auto PO’s Now Suggests Quantity to Order
(QuickBooks Enterprise)
What this feature does: QuickBooks suggests a Qty to Order on the Create Auto PO’s window needed to bring the inventory level to the Max Reorder Point defined on the item record.
How to access it: From the Inventory Stock Status report, launch the Auto Create PO’s. (Slide 17)
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? For companies that need to quickly create multiple purchase orders, the suggested amount in the Qty to Order column will ensure the amount ordered will bring the inventory level up to the Max Reorder Point.
What pain does this feature solve? Previous versions of the Auto Create PO’s window did not provide the user with any suggested Qty to Order.
What’s New Exclusively for Enterprise Add-On’s
New! Price Rules – Included With Advanced Pricing Subscription*
(QuickBooks Enterprise – with Advanced Pricing Subscription**)
What this feature does: Replaces the previous Price Level feature for automatically calculating a specific sales price on a customer’s invoice. This new feature allows you to define a variety of conditions to be applied to a single customer or a group of customers. If multiple Price Rules are in conflict with each other on a customer invoice, a small icon will warn you of this. If no conditions are set, the rule applies to all customers, items, classes and sales reps.
How to access it: First activate the feature: from the menu bar, select Edit > Preferences > Sales & Customers > Company Preferences tab. Options include No Custom Pricing, Enable Price Levels (a feature we have had for year) or the new Enable Advanced Pricing** (Slide 18)
From the menu bar, select Lists > Price Rule List. Additionally, access a specific Price Rules from the New or Edit Item window. (Slide 19)
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? Create complex Price Rules with a variety of conditions, date ranges, price overrides and define a rule as an Exclusive Rule.
What pain does this feature solve? Previous versions only provide the ability to assign a single Price Level to a customer.
* Subscribers must also have a current Full Service Plan.
** Not available until late September 2013. Enterprise Certified ProAdvisors – free, otherwise $399/annually (fee includes both Price Rules and Quantity Discount Feature). New Enterprise Certified ProAdvisors must call into ProAdvisor Support to activate.
New! Quantity Discount – Included With Advanced Pricing Subscription*
(QuickBooks Enterprise**)
What this feature does: QuickBooks can charge different prices when a customer buys 10 to 19 items, 20 to 29 items, etc.
How to access it: First activate the feature: from the menu bar, select Edit > Preferences > Sales & Customers > Company Preferences tab. Options include No Custom Pricing, Enable Price Levels (a feature we have had for year) or the new Enable Advanced Pricing**
After activating Advanced Pricing, from the menu bar, select Lists > Item List and select an item to edit. On the right side of the Edit Item window, select Qty Discount. (Slide 20)
How does this improve your clients’ efficiency? Industries that often discount purchases based on volume, can use Enterprise to calculate and track the discounts provided. (Slide 21)
What pain does this feature solve? Previous versions of QuickBooks would require that a company track this information outside of QuickBooks and remember to manually put the discount on a customer’s invoice.
* Subscribers must also have a current Full Service Plan.
** Not available until late September 2013. Enterprise Certified ProAdvisors – free, otherwise $399/annually (fee includes both Price Rules and Quantity Discount Feature). New Enterprise Certified ProAdvisors must call in to ProAdvisor Support to activate.
Acknowledgement: The Publisher gratefully acknowledges the use of this material from Intuit's What's New in QuickBooks 2014 by this article's author; which publication was written for Intuit's 2014 Accounting Professional's Virtual Conference. This article was written and published for the express purpose of promotion., and in support, of Intuit's 2014 Accounting Professional's Virtual Conference.