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Katherine Wynne-Jones, ProAdvisor of the Year
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Top 10 Lunch
From Left To Right, Back Row (Standing): Chad Seefeld (Canon), Charlie Russell, Laura Redmond, Joe Woodard (Scaling New Heights), Stacy Kildal, Kathryn Wynne-Jones (ProAdvisor of the Year), Bill Murphy-Intuitive Accountant; Front Row (Seated): Caryn Schwartz, Marnie Stretch, Luis Sanchez (Intuit), Laura Madeira, Gary DeHart (Intuitive Accountant) (Michelle Long and Paulette Dreher, not present)
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Earlier this year Intuitive Accountant began the process of recognizing the Top 100 ProAdvisors and the ProAdvisor of the Year for 2014. Almost 300 nominations were received and more than 2000 votes were cast as part of the process in which objective criteria and definable measures led to not only the top 100, but the awards which Gary Dehart, Publisher of Intuitive Accountant, announced during the afternoon General Session of Scaling New Heights earlier today.
Intuitive Accountant also wants to recognize and thank our presenting sponsor of this year’s awards, Canon ImageFORMULA Document Scanners, who also graciously gave a free P208 scanner to each member of the Top 100, and a P215 scanner to each categorical award winner and our Top ProAdvisor of the Year.
Each of these winners were not only presented with their awards by myself and Chad Seefeld of Canon ImageFormula, but received a swag-bag full of goodies from Intuit’s Jim McGinnis and Luis Sanchez. Intuit also presented our new ProAdvisor of the Year, a one year free ProAdvisor membership.
The QuickBooks Online award identifies the ProAdvisor who has embraced QuickBooks Online in their practice; the winner for 2014 was Laura Redmond.
Peter Cullen won the Business Process Outsourcing award which recognizes the ProAdvisor who has most successfully built their business around a BPO model.
The Top Integrations Practice award recognizes the ProAdvisor whose practice specializes in integrating various solutions within the Intuit Ecosystem, for 2014 the winner was Paulette Dreher.
Caren Schwartz, whose practice greatly focuses on law firms, won the Niche award recognizing the ProAdvisor who has built their business and developed a reputation for serving a specific Niche.
For 2014, the QBO Evangelist award went to Stacy Kildal in recognition of the ProAdvisor who has dedicated their efforts to helping others improve their business through coaching others and general evangelism for QBO.
This year’s winner of the Up and Comer award, which recognizes a relative newcomer who is embracing the ProAdvisor program, setting an example as well as growing their business is Marnie Stretch, from Canada.
While absent from this year’s conference, Michelle Long was the winner of the Social Media Leader award recognizing the ProAdvisor who has mastered social media channels to promote themselves and their business…..
The Top Writer/Trainer award recognizes the ProAdvisor who has chosen to serve other ProAdvisors through writing or training them, this year’s winner is Laura Madeira.
The Top Friend of Intuit award recognizes the ProAdvisor who is “all in” for Intuit, and for 2014 the award went to Charlie Russell.
Finally, Intuitive Accountant’s 2014 ProAdvisor of the Year award was presented to Katherine Wynne-Jones, who exemplifies what it truly means to be a “ProAdvisor.”
Toward the end of the general session, the Top 100 ProAdvisors, the Categorical Award Winners and the ProAdvisor of the Year were greeted by Brad Smith, CEO and President of Intuit, who also announced the news that Intuit’s ProAdvisor Program had exceeded the 100,000 member landmark. All in all, it was a very gala event and went off without a hitch, but then again, what else would you expect from Joe Woodard's Scaling New Heights team who graciously provided the venue for the awards.
So while I think my math is wrong, I just want to say to all of our recognized ProAdvisors, “you each are one in a million”.