For some odd reason, I wasn't invited to this party.
Can you believe Murph wrote the last QBO article? And here I am writing the technology topic.
Isn't that a bit topsy-turvy?
Even though my grandpa and dad were both coders, I know when I don’t belong in a conversation. I know when I walk past the conference room with all the coders in it I can see that they are truly happy people.
But because I'm not a programmer, let me try to explain the error message that reads, “QBO URI malformed while using Chrome.” I will try to cover this in a way that the rest of us (non-coders) can understand.
And no, the malformed part is not the cause of QBO's sudden loss of coloration.
Think of it like this: While driving home on your favorite route, you discover that the road is closed. The good news is that there are three other ways to get home.
So, what do you do? You take another path, because all you want to do is get home, right?
Now, if it was Murph, he'd call City Hall, the Street Department, the County Commissioner's office, the Governor – anybody to get something done.
Of course, if it were Murph's brother, he'd take measurements with his laser pen and design an alternative road design on his iPad.
But me, I'm going to take the next shortest route home.
Well, the road home in this situation isn't too much different when you receive the error message, “QBO URI malformed while using Chrome.”
Here's why. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters that identify a web resource known as either the URN (Uniform Resource Name) or, more commonly, as the URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
In simple "us" language, this is the program written to create something out of nothing (the coding).
URI error
In this error situation, it isn't functioning in a particular environment. But the good news is that like that closed road we have three other options for accessing our QBO.
If your QBO is giving you that error message, try this:
- Chrome's Incognito Window
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer
I don’t want to write code. Honestly, I don’t even want to try to figure out what the code means. I just want to use my QBO.
And I can do that if I switch to another browser. It’s not my favorite path, but it's an easy fix.
For programmers, this means lots of late nights, espresso shots and miles upon miles of symbols and letters being tossed around in ways I will never understand.
So, if you have uninstalled and reinstalled chrome, and then cleared your cache and cookies, and you're still getting that error message, just remember there's another path.