Intuitive Accountant is proud to announce that Nominations for our 2015 ProAdvisor of the Year are Open as of December 3, 2014 at 12:01 am EST through January 11, 2015 at 11:59pm PT. This year's process will be a little different than last year. (For purposes of this article these dates constitute the 'Open Nomination Period'.)
Basic Qualifications - Current Intuit ProAdvisor certification (defined as 2014 or 2015) for QuickBooks and/or QuickBooks Online/Online-Advanced certification. [Note: the nominees identification information must match the information appearing in the Find a ProAdvisor Website.] You must also have an active ProAdvisor Practice with one or more clients, individuals providing staff services that do not involve any client interaction in rendering ProAdvisor services are NOT eligible for these awards.
Phase 1 - Nominations: You may nominate yourself or someone else during the Open Nomination Period (as shown above). No details other than those necessary to identify both the nominee and nominator will be collected during the initial nomination process. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATION(S). The number of nominations for an individual has absolutely no impact upon the final outcome of the selection process. No nominations will be accepted after the close of the Open Nomination Period.
Phase 2 - Nominee Notifications: All nominees will be sent a notification of nomination, this email notification will be transmitted only to the email provided to us during Phase 1 (we will not search to contact any individual if the email is rejected, returned without reason, or otherwise invalid). Please note this process may begin prior to the conclusion of Phase 1 and will be completed within 5 working days of the conclusion of the Nomination Period.
Phase 3 - Nominee Applications: Nominees receiving notification in Phase 2 will be required to submit a formal (electronic) application at the website contained in the notification email, in order to proceed in the selection process. Nominees are encouraged to print the application questions, complete them manually, and then return to the website to actually post their data. Additional instructions will be provided in the Phase 2 notifications. All applications must be completed by not later than 11:59pm PT on February 13, 2015 (the 'application deadline'). Nominees who fail to fully complete an application by the 'application deadline' will be rejected from further consideration.
Phase 4 - Preliminary Screening - Upon receipt of a fully completed Phase 3 application submitted on or before the 'application deadline' Intuitive Accountant will begin the preliminary screening process of the Applicant, this involves verification with Intuit that the Applicant's Basic Qualifications certification status (as defined above - see 'Basic Qualification'.] Additional screening measures intended to validate the Basic Qualifications will be conducted at this phase as well. Applicants who fail to meet the Basic Qualifications will be rejected from further consideration.
Phase 5 - In-depth Screening - All of the information contained in the candidate's Application will be reviewed, verified or validated, and scored by Intuitive Accountant. In the event we are unable to verify or validate submitted information, any Applicant meeting the preliminary screening Basic Qualification requirements will NOT be rejected, however, no points will be awarded for invalid or unverifiable information submitted.
Phase 6 - Voting - Applicants meeting the Basic Qualification and passing Preliminary Screening (Phase 4) will appear on the ballot for voting purposes. The voting period dates have not currently been determined, these dates will appear in a future article of Intuitive Accountant. Please note, voting tabulations represent only one relatively minor factor in the overall scoring process; this is not a popularity process but we do believe that an evaluation by your peers as evidenced by a vote should be factored into the overall determination.
Phase 7 - Final Rankings - Intuitive Accountant will then compile the final rankings of Applicants, determine the Top 100 ProAdvisors of the Year, determine the winners of each defined Award Category, and select the ProAdvisor of the Year for 2015. The Top 100 ProAdvisors will be notified of their selection on a date yet to be determined by Intuitive Accountant. All 100 recipients will be encouraged to attend Scaling New Heights 2015 for potential awards presentation.
Phase 8 - Award Presentations - The Categorical Award winners and the ProAdvisor of the Year will be awarded at Scaling New Heights 2015 in New Orleans, LA. The date of the awards ceremony has not yet been set. Intuitive Accountant reserves the right, subject to non-disclosure provisions, to notify award recipients in advanced of the conference to coordinate attendance at the awards ceremony. (Violations of the non-disclosure provisions can result in disqualification.)
We are pleased to bring this award program and recognition to deserving ProAdvisors and would not be able to do so if it was not for the support of our Presenting Sponsor Canon Image Formula Scanners, Expensify, ReceiptBank and Intuit. Thank you sponsors!