The New Toolbar
The New Toolbar is only one change to 'the look of Mac' in the 2014 version of QuickBooks-Mac.My friend, and contributing author, Laura Madeira did a great job summarizing all the new and enhanced features in QuickBooks for Mac - 2014 in our article 'What's New in QuickBooks for Mac 2014". But, at Intuitive Accountant we believe that QB-Mac users deserve just as much of a 'Mac-attack' over details as our QB (windows) readers. We also know that our readers have told us that even though they want details, they like our short-read articles, so here is the first of a few short-n-sweet articles on the new features of QuickBooks for Mac.
The Newly Redesigned Toolbar
There is a new look found in QuickBooks for Mac 2014 that is harmonious with changes to both QuickBooks (desktop versions for 2014) as well as the New QuickBooks Online. Among these harmonious changes are a newly redesigned Toolbar and redesigned Home Page, this article focuses on the new Toolbar, we will look at the new Home Page next time.
As with QuickBooks desktop versions, the new left-hand toolbar replaces the across the top bar in order to maximize vertical space. If you don’t like the color of the new toolbar you can change it by clicking on the gear icon at the top right of the customize screen.
You can ‘squish’ the tool bar, I am sure that is not a ‘politically-Mac-correct term’ but you can get the idea from this picture. (Slide 1) You simply need to drag the lower right corner of the tool bar up to shorten it, or down to lengthen it, as you want. You can even turn-off the tool-bar completely in your QuickBooks Preferences by deselecting “Display Tool bar”.
In addition to resizing the tool bar you can reposition the tool-bar from the left side to the right side the choice is yours; simply drag the toolbar title to its’ new position. Mac was always full of choices, so why should that not continue with this newest version of QB-Mac.
You can easily add or remove icons from the Toolbar, or change the order in which they appear; click the ‘Customize’ icon at the bottom of the Toolbar (shown in the red circles of slide 1). You can now scroll through a list of tasks from which to select. (Slide 2)
You can add to the new toolbar a link to a window, such as a report. Simply open the window you'd like to link; then click Customize on the Toolbar. Drag the window you want to add, from the bottom of the customize window, onto the Toolbar. Now type the description you want and pick an icon to use for the link.
Well I am sure there is a lot more that could be said about the new toolbar, but then this wouldn't be a short-n-sweet article. I am also certain that all QB for Mac users will warmly embrace the new look and the new toolbar because even though Intuit is doing their best to create 'harmony' between the product lines, they have left enough styled the 'Mac way' to make these changes uniquely Mac; and isn't that what's most important about Mac after all, 'being unique'.