Concur App
Concur Travel and Expense Management App
I met my friend and accounting profession veteran John Parisi, Channel Development Manager at Concur, for lunch today and he let me know the company recently announced its QuickBooks Online Connector for Concur Small Business edition is live and available at APPS.com. According to Parisi, the connector offers a "bidirectional connection to QuickBooks Online, making the set-up of Concur a snap with pre-populated Chart of Accounts, Employees, Vendors and whatever Classes the company (client) wants to map data to”.
Once I made it back to the office I took a quick visit to http://apps.com/and found the Concur APP is on the home page (more popular apps land on the home page) and is currently garnering five out of five stars from 110 users who rated the app.
Concur has a free partner program, the Concur Advisor Program that allows accounting and consulting professionals to receive the services, training and support they need to better service their clients relating to travel and expense management. There is even a revenue share component to the program accounting professionals can participate in which pays 20% during the first year and 10% thereafter. It’s a nice way to add an additional revenue stream to your practice. If you have clients who have expense tracking needs and are interested in learning more about the program you can get more details at https://www.concur.com/en-us/advisor-registration or contact Parisi directly at john.parisi@concur.com.