A “stroll” through the virtual exhibit hall during day 2 of Intuit’s Virtual Conference found that the booth activity was brisk. Good questions were being asked and great information was being shared by the vendors. Intuitive Accountant advertisers who are participating were giving away some pretty good "swag". (See below)
SkyLine by Unidata - Lenovo ThinkPad
Exact - Kindle Fire HD
SmartVault - 3 Canon p208 Scan-tini scanners
T-Sheets – IPod Touch
ACS – Client Data Review material
When I went into the educational sessions Dawn Brolin’s session on Top 10 Client Mistakes was chock full of information and the questions were many for Luis Sanchez and Brian Still at the end of their ‘What’s New In The You ProAdvisor Program”.
In case you did not make it to Luis and Brian’s session, here’s what you missed (in a nutshell). Intuit has been listening to ProAdvisors and has developed (is developing) the program around your feedback. According to Sanchez, ProAdvisors have requested:
- Better communication with their clients and with the ProAdvisor Program.
- More and Better Leads
- More Value
In response to the Better Communication request Intuit has developed the Client Collaborator and it’s ProAdvisor Mobile App, tools to help you connect with your client and with the ProAdvisor program. Intuit has relaunched the Find a ProAdvisor (reported in Intuitive Accountant previously) and developed turnkey marketing tools which are hosted in the cloud and ready for you to use to help drive more and better leads. Lastly, in order to drive more value they have built a better website with easier software access, enhanced software discounts for ProAdvisors and clients. The company is also developing and maintaining training webinars and a blog to round out the value proposition for ProAdvisors. There were other sessions today that I was not able to attend, but I assure you they were as beneficial as the ones I was able to attend.
In addition to the give aways and content, the conference has produced some pretty impressive statistics as of 11:00 Wednesday morning (day 2)
8,396 Documents have been viewed; 791 Give Aways have been requested; Over 23,000 chats have been entered; 8,044 Vcards have been exchanged and over 10,600 webcasts have been viewed
I am not a ProAdvisor and I don't work with accounting clients. However, I can tell you that this event is full of great information for ANYONE working with QuickBooks. This conference is a great place for accounting professionals to network and learn; it is a great place for exhibitors to connect with advisors; and it is a great place for advisors to learn about the software solutions they can bring to their business or to their clients. The stats above support that.
In short, if you are an accounting professional you need to be here. If you are trying to sell something to the accounting profession, you need to be here, especially if you connect with QuickBooks.
You have 1 more day to get in some more FREE training and CPE credit. The line up for Thursday September 26 features QB for Mac; Intro to the Cloud ProAdvisor Program; Cashing in on Payroll, QB at Year End; What's New in 2014 for You and What's New in 2014 For Your Clients. Don't miss out!
That’s my opinion. I’d like to hear yours if you have participated in the event.