Veterans Day, originally known as Armistice Day, commemorated the anniversary of the formal end of World War I. The holiday, observed on November 11, coincides with the end of hostilities at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.
In 1954, Veterans’ groups thought the term ‘Armistice,’ meaning a formal written agreement to end the fighting, had negative connotations. Hence, they urged Congress to amend the law that had set Armistice Day and to rename the holiday ‘Veterans Day’ before the date of observance that year.
Unlike our American Holiday of ‘Memorial Day,’ which is intended to honor those who have died in serving the US within the military, ‘Veterans Day’ honors all US military service veterans, living or deceased, who were discharged for any reason other than dishonorable.
Another American Holiday, Armed Forces Day, specifically honors those presently in military service to the US.
All Americans should reflect upon the meaning of Veterans Day as well as Memorial and Armed Forces Days.
We should be filled with pride in the service and heroism of those who have served and are serving in the US Military and express our gratitude upon every opportunity for their “service to our Country.”
Because of these great men and women, we live in “the land of the free” and enjoy the liberties of these great United States.
Patrick Murphy
Rank: E-6; Staff Sergeant
Branch: US Army
Mike Milan
Rank: Captain
Branch: Army National Guard
Jack Mease, CPA
Rank: Sergeant
Branch: United States Air Force
Kathy Grosskurth
Rank: E-5; Sergeant
Branch: US Army
Danny Griffin
Rank: E-6; Staff Sergeant
Branch: US Army
Rod Barham
Rank: Brigadier General
Branch: US Army
Phil Warren
Rank: Specialist 5th Class
Branch: US Army
Lori A. Stein
Rank: Staff Sargent
Branch: United States Air Force
Gary DeHart
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Branch: Georgia National Guard
Ronal Nolan
Rank: 1st Lieutenant
Branch: US Army
Thomas Cody
Rank: Airman FC
Branch: United States Air Force
Insightful Accountant wants to express our gratitude to all veterans who have served in the US Military. We also want to recognize you.
Please take one minute to complete the form at this link. You can upload pictures or upload them from your device to aid us in recognizing you.
On this special day, we want to say again, “Thank YOU for YOUR Service!”