We recently received some information from Intuit's PR team that I believe is worth sharing with you, our audience of professionals who are tightly knit into the Intuit fabric.
The key milestones that were specifically mentioned in the email are:
Intuit stated in their third-quarter earnings, that QuickBooks Online subscribers grew 36 percent to 624,000, adding more than 60,000 net customers versus the second quarter. Global QuickBooks Online subscribers grew more than 130 percent to 64,000, accelerating from 90 percent growth in the second quarter.
At Scaling New Heights, the largest event in the world for ProAdvisor, Intuit announced there are now more than 100,000 Intuit QuickBooks ProAdvisors worldwide.
Additionally, the email referenced a recent IDC industry report from Christine Dover titled “Intuit: The Legacy Software Giant Is Aggressively Moving its QuickBooks Business Into the Cloud”. The statement read, "This report highlights and supports our goal of adding another 5 million small business customers over the next five years. When adding our current customer base of 5 million to the more than 864,000 QuickBooks Online, desktop and Enterprise subscribers, IDC estimates that Intuit will reach its goal of 10 million customers by 2018. You can download a free copy of the report here." 5,000,000 SMB customers will need a LOT of support from the ProAdvisor community, so that sounds like opportunity to me!
The email further stated, "In Christine’s other recent industry report, ”Worldwide Payroll Accounting 2014–2018 Forecast and 2013 Vendor Shares” dated June 19th, she states, “The top 5 vendors based on worldwide revenue were Intuit, DATEV, SAP, Sage, and Oracle, accounting for 47.1% of the payroll accounting market overall.” For Intuit specifically, our worldwide payroll accounting revenue is the largest among companies in the report, growing from $388.8 million in 2011 to $570.0 million in 2013."
The table from the report that outlines revenue from the top 14 companies is the image with this article and is the property IDC.