2024 Top 100 ProAdvisors
Insightful Accountant is honored to present the Top 100 ProAdvisors for 2024.
Marjorie Adams
Lynn Ailsworth
Lynda Artesani
Rachel Barnett
Janice Barsalou
Leah Berger
Shaunna Bobrow
Marti Bockhold
Kane Zhan Boon
Gregg Bossen
Megan Bronson
Kathryn Butts
Carla Caldwell
Lyne Champagne
Debi Choi
Susan Cook
Letitia Cote
Jeremy Craig
Dan DeLong
Brandy Derrick
Audrey Duke
Wendelyn Duquette
Terumi Echols
Jacqueline Edwards
Stephanie Elia
Kelsey Elliott
Jessica Fox
Esther Friedberg Karp
Jill Frillman
Sharrin Fuller
Matthew Fulton
Kathy Grosskurth
Robin Hall
Samantha Hallburn
Beth Hansen
Christinia Harlan
David Harmon
Pat Hartley
Tailor Hartman
Mario Hernandez
Wayne Higdon
Gail Hilburn
Christine Hoke
Cassidy Jakovickas
Ed Jaworski
Caleb Jenkins
Carrie Kahn
Alicia Katz Pollock
Wendy Kelley
Debra Kilsheimer
Inna Korenzvit
Ricardo Lalinde
Kaylin Leland
Michelle Long
Laura Madeira
Juliebeth Malone
Oksana Manco
Michael McClellan
Nancy McClelland
Sarah Michael
Sharon Michalowicz
Melissa Miller Furgeson
Melissa L Miranda
Kerri Montgomery
Cindy Moore
Patty Mory
Kimberly Noh
Mario Nowogrodzki
Chidiebere Oji
Laurie O'Neil
Karen Penfold
Elizabeth Lisa Pierpont
Susan Pruskin
Sheri Radler
Laura Redmond
Alexis Sadler
Caren Schwartz
Jeff Siegel
Colleen Smarr
Stephen Smith
Michelle Smith (Peruski)
Laura Stewart
Pam Stocks
Monique Swansen
Jaime Thompson
Kathy Tighe
Tiffany Tontrup
Haiden Turner
Sharon Vetsch
Dominique Waits
Lori Walsh
Veronica Wasek
Jacob Weberman
Jim Wells
Kyle Whitfield
Beth Whitworth
Michelle Wiseman
Martha Yasso
Kathy Zaroczynski
Andrzej Zarycki
Our Emeritus ProAdvisors of the Year
Insightful Accountant also wants to recognize our ProAdvisor of the Year Emeritus Award holders representing the ProAdvisor of the Year (PAOY) by year since the inception of these awards. They truly are "the Best of the Best!"
Katherine Wynne-Jones, Emeritus PAOY for 2014
Wilna Sepulvado, Emeritus PAOY for 2015
Judy Borland, Emeritus PAOY for 2016
Paulette Dreher, Emeritus PAOY for 2017
Cherri Rapp, Emeritus PAOY for 2018
M.B. Raimondi, Emeritus PAOY for 2019
Gale Kirsopp, Emeritus PAOY for 2020
Mariko Hayashi-Hall, Emeritus PAOY for 2021
Diane Gilson, Emeritus PAOY for 2022
Vanessa Vasquez, Emeritus PAOY for 2023
Our Award's Program Sponsors
We also want to gratefully acknowledge this year's sponsors who made these awards possible.